
Courses/ Modules
it is important to learn throughout your life, come and
sign in at the courses and modules that will help you
improve your knowledge:
Module 1 – Quality
(40 hours)
cunoasterea problematicii resurselor
umane in perspectiva unui management performant;
dezvoltarea managementului calitatii, fluxului de
informatii, structurii organizationale necesare
dezvoltarii firmei |
Module 2 – Marketing
(40 hours) |
cunoasterea instrumentelor de marketing in perspectiva
dezvoltarii firmei, elaborarea planului de marketing,
analiza organizatiei si a mediului extern |
Module 3 – Computer operating
(40 ore) |
cunoasterea utilizarii tehnicii de
calcul in perspectiva dezvoltarii firmei |
Module 4 –
Public relations. Communication
(40 hours) |
deprinderea capacitatilor de coordonare
a grupelor de lucru, transmiterea informatiilor,
elaborarea de prezentari complexe |
Module 5 – Health and
security at the work place
(40 hours) |
identificarea riscurilor de imbolnavire
profesionala si prevenirea acestora, cunoasterea
legislatiei specifice in domeniu |
Course 1– Human resources
(75 hours) |
acumularea cunostintelor privind
gestionarea resurselor umane |
Course 2 – Environmental
system manager
(90 hours)
cunoasterea si planificarea
obiectivelor de mediu (elaborarea programelor de
mediu), supravegherea si controlul realizarii
programelor de mediu, asigurarea protectiei factorilor
de mediu, imbunatatirea performantelor de mediu ale
institutiei |
learning about the human resources issue for a performant
management; developing the quality management, the
information flux, the organizational structure necessary
to the development of the firm
learning about the marketing instruments for the
development of the firm, drawing up the marketing plan,
analysis of the organization and of the external
knowing how to use the estimate technique for the
development of the firm
achieving coordination of the work team abilities,
presenting the information, elaborating complex
identifying the risks of professional illness and
preventing them, knowing the specific legislation in the
summarizing the knowledge regarding the administration of
the human resources
knowing and planning the environmental objectives (
drawing up the environmental programmes, supervising and
controlling the achievement of the environmental
programmes, assuring the protection of the environmental
factors, improving the firm’s environmental performance
achieved diploma/ certificate can bring you:
professional training
salary rises
safety and stability in your working environment
- the
possibility of promotion
autonomy in solving the problems
social recognition
Public relation responsable: Cojocaru
Constantin |
Financial responsable:Marin Denisa |
Diaconu Andreea |
Training responsable: Branzan Monica |
Cojocaru Camelia -
Valentina |
Quality Management |
Savescu Mariana |
Marketing |
Ceraceanu Daniel Onut |
Computer operating |
Diaconu Dan |
Public relations.
Communication |
Babara Marina |
Health and security at the
work place |
Cranta Mihai |
resources manager |
Petra Nela |
Environmental system
manager |